Attitude of gratitude

What I’ve learned is that gratitude is super important.  I don't  take ANYTHING for granted. 

I’m appreciative of:

  • You reading this blog and gaining a helpful tip.

  • A client that says because of my work, she landed her dream job. 

  • A friendly face making an in person connection because they are my friend on social media. 

  • A new tip shared by a colleague that will help to improve my business. 

  • The barista knowing my name when I come in (and it being spelled right on the cup!)

  • I love jokes, music, the many shades of blue, and the creative energy I get from fashion. I draw inspiration from all of those things and more. Aside from my family, it's what helps me be inspired to show up each day and to expand when I feel like shrinking. 

I pray that this season increases your attitude of gratitude. Hug your loved ones extra tight. 

Dress up

Show up

Act up


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